The Usman Institute

Breathe Right Live Free
The Usman Institute
Breath Control, Critical Thinking, Peace.
The Usman Institute's mission is to empower you. The UI teaches the fundamental tools for healing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually––for real. On your own terms.
The heart of the Institute's approach is breath and critical thinking.
Breath is the tool to rejuvenate physically, to control thoughts and emotions, to connect to one's healthiest, happiest Self. Breath is both life and the key to life.
Critical thinking is to question. Question our self, the world, and the stories we tell. To think critically is to think about structures, organizing principles, and relations. Critical thinking is key to awareness. Awareness is key to change.
How to use breath control?
How to live a healthy life?
How to think critically?
How to heal?
How to detach from hurtful attachments?
How to be free?
How to experience peace?
How to love?
The Usman Institute teaches principles for a healthy and peaceful life. Each session offers a lifetime of tools to keep and use at your own pace. Rather than treating a symptom, you access the solutions to strengthen from within, to empower, to heal, to experience yourself. You connect the dots between mind and body by using breath and thoughts.
The Usman Institute offers one-on-one sessions and group classes in breathing, meditation, relaxation, nutrition, critical thinking, detachment, and mysticism. The Institute also offers tailored consulting for organizations and exclusive coaching sessions.
Everyone welcomed. The UI techniques are universal. If you can breathe, think, and be, you've got all you need. The UI gives you the tools to get where you want to be.
The Usman Institute seeks to make its programs accessible to all. If you are experiencing a financial hardship, please message us via the contact form.

About Dr. Usman
Fabrice Usman, Ph.D., professor of literature, cultural studies, history, critical thinking, social thought, philosophy, politics, and media studies for over 15 years. As a tenured Associate Professor, Dr. Usman published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at national and international conferences. Dr. Usman brings his interdisciplinary approach to the UI.
Dr. Usman trained in India with Yogis, worked with Shamans in the Yucatan, Amazon and American West, and meditated with Sufis in the US. He has practiced meditation, asanas (physical exercises), breath control, fitness, and energy work. A disciplined scholar, Dr. Usman has studied the universal teachings and practices of prophets, mystics and saints. Shaped by his extensive knowledge and experience, the tools he's created are concentrated, powerful yet accessible. Above all, practical.
Through Dr. Usman's methods, clients learn to control their body, thoughts and emotions, and release harmful attachments. The impact is tremendous physical and mental change with minimal effort.
For media inquiries, please contact us.